CALA has been an excellent platform for all Chinese librarians in the US, Canada and other parts of the world to contribute to librarianship and gain career growth. Many librarians in the Asia Pacific have contributed to and actively participated in a variety of CALA committees, activities, and publications in the past.
CALA Asia Pacific chapter hopes to deepen CALA members and various chapters in US and Canada partnership with librarians, libraries, and library associations in Asia Pacific.; and enhance communication among Chinese librarians in Asia Pacific and CALA members in US and Canada. The Asia Pacific Chapter will also help promote membership in CALA by acquainting Asia Pacific librarians with CALA’s ideas, purposes, and objectives.
Officer Information
President: Katherina Lee,
Vice President/Treasurer: Qinghua Xu,
Membership Chair: Helen Xue,
Marketing Chair: Bella Wu,
Web & Social Media Chair: Henry Huang,